Audience learning about I-SPARK

Funding & Support

The Office of Research Development Development operates under the direction of the Vice President for Research, providing strategic, proactive, and capacity-building activities that serve the research enterprise at large by supporting individual faculty members, teams of researchers, and college/school research administrations in attracting extramural research funding, fostering relationships, and developing and implementing grantsmanship strategies that increase institutional competitiveness and innovation.

Resources that enhance and expand Temple’s research agenda include:

  1. Onboarding faculty, staff, and students to Temple’s research enterprise;
  2. Identifying and analyzing funding opportunities and contact with funding sponsors;
  3. Developing researcher capacity to improve the number, size and quality of grant proposals;
  4. Improving the success rate of submitted proposals, especially those targeted to larger, more complex grant programs;
  5. Providing strategic direction and expert support for Temple’s research community.