Research Administration Roles & Responsibilities

This page provides an overview of the roles and responsibilities of key individuals that conduct or support research activities at Temple University. Click on the roles below for more information.

Principal Investigator Roles & Responsibilities


Proposal Drafting and Development

Develop proposal - Read Sponsor Guidelines, project concept, scientific portion, scope of work

Determine the need for subaward(s)

Review and approve internal route within eRA

Request waiver for any missed deadlines and/or facilities and administrative costs


Non-Competing Continuation Applications/Progress Reports

Develop application / progress reports for non-competing continuation and submit to Preaward

Complete compliance information (IRB, IACUC, COI)

Determine the need for new / modified subaward

Develop carryforward request for approval


Account Setup

Request Advance Account requests


Financial Compliance (Expenditure Monitoring, Oversight, Transaction review)

Communicated with subrecipients to monitor performance

Ensure performance goals are achieved by the subrecipient

Maintain documentation of submonitoring efforts


Effort Reporting Administration/Management

Complete effort reporting requirements

Confirm certified effort is commensurate with actual effort


Account Closeout

Prepare additional documentation for closeout (property/invention statements)

Develop no-cost extension request


Proposal Drafting and Development

Enter data into eRA

Submit ERA record for internal routing


Proposal Review and Submission

Review JIT information


Contract Negotiation (Incoming and Outgoing Agreements)

Receive award notice


Financial Compliance (Expenditure Monitoring, Oversight, Transaction Review)

Ensure subinvoices (including final) are received


Effort Reporting Administration/Management

Collect and maintain official records of effort reporting

Monitor compliance with effort reporting policy


Proposal Drafting and Development

Develop proposal- Read Sponsor Guidelines, administrative portion, budget, budget justification

Develop proposal - subawards (LOI, SOW, budget, budget justification, Commitment Form)


Proposal Review and Submission

Revise/correct proposal based on review

Revise/correct Just In Time (JIT) information based on review


Contract Negotiation (Incoming and Outgoing Agreements)

Prepare and send necessary documents for account request

Initiate the preparation of a outgoing subaward


Non-Competing Continuation Applications/ Progress Reports

Review application / progress report for non-competing continuation

Review compliance information (IRB, IACUC, COI)

Prepare subaward documentation and submit request for Subaward/Amendment


Account Setup

Revised budget based on award amount dependent on budget threshold, including carryforward

Confirm compliance approvals are in place (IRB, IACUC, COI)


Financial Reporting

Prepare FSR/FFRs based on sponsor requirements



Communicate sponsor specific requirements

Ensure accuracy of invoiceable information in Banner / recording of receipts

Prepare invoices based on sponsor defined template(s) or milestone


Other Cash Management

Contact sponsors to accelerate payment when necessary


Financial Compliance (Expenditures, Monitoring, Oversight, Transaction Review)

Prepare documentation and justification for cost transfers

Review subinvoices and follow up with any issues before approving for payment


Account Closeout

Review final account reconciliation for accuracy and exclusion of unallowable expenses

Process allowable adjustments or cost transfers

Department Administrator Roles and Responsibilities


Proposal Drafting and Development

Develop proposal- Read Sponsor Guidelines, administrative portion, budget, budget justification

Develop proposal - subawards (LOI, SOW, budget, budget justification, Commitment Form)

Complete Conflict of Interest documentation

Enter data into eRA

Submit ERA record for internal routing

Review and approve internal route within eRA

Enforce internal submission deadlines


Proposal Review and Submission

Revise/correct proposal based on review

Revise/correct Just-In-Time (JIT) information based on review


Contract Negotiation (Incoming and Outgoing Agreements)

Prepare and send necessary documents for account request

Initiate the preparation of a outgoing subaward


Non-Competing Continuation Applications/ Progress Reports

Prepare subaward documentation and submit request for Subaward/Amendment


Account Setup

Revised budget based on award amount dependent on budget threshold, including carryforward



Communicate sponsor specific requirements

Ensure accuracy of invoicable information in Banner / recording of receipts

Provide requested backup information to sponsor (salary, progress reports)


Financial Compliance (Expenditures, Monitoring, Oversight, Transaction Review)

Prepare documentation and justification for cost transfers

Review/approve PCard transactions

Review subinvoices and follow up with any issues before approving for payment

Approve and process subinvoices for payment

Ensure subinvoices (including final) are received

Ensure all subinvoice charges are entered appropriately


Effort Reporting Administration/Management

Process restricted payroll


Account Closeout

Review final account reconciliation for accuracy and exclusion of unallowable expenses

Process allowable adjustments or cost transfers


Proposal Drafting and Development

Develop proposal - Read Sponsor Guidelines, project concept, scientific portion, scope of work

Determine the need for subaward(s)

Complete Conflict of Interest documentation

Request waiver for any missed deadlines and/or facilities and administrative costs


Proposal Review and Submission

Prepare Just-In-Time (JIT) information (Other Support, IRB approval, IACUC approval, etc)

Review Just-In-Time (JIT) information


Contract Negotiation (Incoming and Outgoing Agreements)

Receive award notice


Non-Competing Continuation Applications/ Progress Reports

Develop application / progress reports for non-competing continuation and submit to Preaward

Review application / progress report for non-competing continuation

Complete compliance information (IRB, IACUC, COI)

Review compliance information (IRB, IACUC, COI)

Determine the need for new / modified subaward

Develop carryforward request for approval


Account Setup

Confirm compliance approvals are in place (IRB, IACUC, COI)

Establish documentation of new award

Follow up to ensure all steps are completed on a timely basis.


Financial Reporting

Prepare FSR/FFRs based on sponsor requirements



Prepare invoices based on sponsor defined template(s) or milestone


Financial Compliance (Expenditures, Monitoring, Oversight, Transaction Review)

Ensure performance goals are achieved by the subrecipient

Maintain documentation of submonitoring efforts


Effort Reporting Administration/Management

Complete effort reporting requirements

Collect and maintain official records of effort reporting

Monitor compliance with effort reporting policy

Confirm certified effort is commensurate with actual effort


Account Closeout

Prepare additional documentation for closeout (property/invention statements)


Account Setup

Request Advance Account requests



Sign final invoices


Other Cash Management

Contact sponsors to accelerate payment when necessary

Pre Award Roles & Responsibilities


Proposal Drafting and Development

Enforce internal submission deadlines (PreAward Team)


Proposal Review and Submission

Review proposal information and Read Guidelines (PreAward Team)

Submit proposal to sponsor (PreAward Team)

Review Just-In-Time (JIT) information (PreAward Team)

Submit Just-In-Time (JIT) information to sponsor (PreAward Team)


Contract Negotiation (Incoming and Outgoing Agreements)

Receive award notice (PreAward Team)

Determine risk level of outgoing subawards (PreAward Subcontract Team)

Negotiate award terms and conditions with sponsor (PreAward Team)

Review final award stipulations for execution (PreAward Team)

Sign award as Institutional Official (AVP-Research Administration)

Issue NOA checklist requesting documents (PreAward Award Setup Team)

Upload executed award, budget and related documents to ERA (PreAward Award Setup Team)

Develop outgoing subaward agreement (PreAward Subcontract Team)

Review outgoing subaward compliance information (IRB, IACUC, COI) (PreAward Subcontract Team)

Negotiate outgoing subaward terms and conditions with subrecipient (PreAward Subcontract Team)

Send outgoing subaward to subrecipient for review and approval (PreAward Subcontract Team)

Receive partially outgoing signed subaward and review for final stipulations (PreAward Subcontract Team)

Sign outgoing subaward as Institutional Official (AVP-Research Administration)

Post executed subaward to ERA (PreAward Subcontract Team)


Non-Competing Continuation Applications/ Progress Reports

Review application / progress report for non-competing continuation (PreAward Team)

Review compliance information (IRB, IACUC, COI) (PreAward Team)

Submit application / progress report for non-competing continuation (PreAward Team)

Prepare and process Subaward/Amendment (PreAward Subcontract Team)

Review / approve carryforward request (PreAward Team)

Submit carryforward request to sponsor (PreAward Team)

Upload Carryforward Approval in ERA (PreAward Team)


Account Setup

Review / approve Advance Account requests (PreAward Team)

Confirm compliance approvals are in place (IRB, IACUC, COI) (PreAward Team)

Enter award data into eRA (PreAward Award Setup Team)

Enter outgoing subaward data into eRA (PreAward Subcontract Team)

Upload award notice/documentation into eRA to feed to imaging (PreAward Award Setup Team)


Financial Compliance (Expenditures, Monitoring, Oversight, Transaction Review)

Perform ad-hoc audits of high-risk subrecipients (PreAward Subcontract Team)

Review corrective action plans for subrecipients (PreAward Subcontract Team)

Internally communicate subrecipient audit findings or corrective actions (PreAward Subcontract Team)

Identify subrecipients that pose a risk per audit findings (PreAward Subcontract Team)

Pre-qualify subrecipients with a review of Single Audit (PreAward Subcontract Team)

Review subinvoices and follow up with any issues before approving for payment (PreAward Subcontract Team)

Maintain documentation of submonitoring efforts (PreAward Subcontract Team)


Account Closeout

Submit final Administrative reports for closeout (PreAward Team)

Review No-Cost Extension request (PreAward Team)

Approve internally or submit No-Cost Extension request to sponsor (PreAward Team)

Enter approved NCE in eRA / feed over to post award (PreAward Team)


Proposal Drafting and Development

Develop proposal- Read Sponsor Guidelines, admin portion, budget, budget justification (PreAward Team)


Proposal Review and Submission

Revise/correct Just-In-Time (JIT) information based on review (PreAward Team)


Contract Negotiation (Incoming and Outgoing Agreements)

Prepare and send necessary documents for account request (PreAward Award Setup Team)


Non-Competing Continuation Applications/ Progress Reports

Develop application / progress reports for non-competing continuation and submit to Preaward (PreAward Team)


Account Closeout

Develop no-cost extension request (PreAward Team)


Proposal Drafting and Development

Develop proposal - subawards (LOI, SOW, budget, budget justification, Commitment Form) (PreAward Team)

Complete Conflict of Interest documentation (PreAward Team)


Proposal Review and Submission

Revise/correct proposal based on review (PreAward Team)

Prepare Just-In-Time (JIT) information (Other Support, IRB approval, IACUC approval, etc) (PreAward Team)


Contract Negotiation (Incoming and Outgoing Agreements)

Negotiate outgoing subaward terms and conditions with subrecipient (AVP-RA)


Non-Competing Continuation Applications/ Progress Reports

Complete compliance information (IRB, IACUC, COI)

Determine the need for new / modified subaward


Account Setup

Review / approve Advance Account requests (AVP -RA)

Revised budget based on award amount dependent on budget threshold, including carryforward (PreAward Team)

Post Award Roles & Responsibilities


Account Setup

Review award documentation for account set-up (PostAward Setup Team)

Assign a Grant Number in Banner (PostAward Setup Team)

Set up the Budget in Banner (PostAward Setup Team)

Establish documentation of new award (PostAward Setup Team)

Follow up to ensure all steps are completed on a timely basis. (PostAward Special Projects Team)

Audit Account setup to make sure no errors were created (PostAward Finance Mgr and Grants Mgt Team)


Financial Reporting

Prepare FSR/FFRs based on sponsor requirements (PostAward Finance Mgr and Grants Mgt Team)

Review FSR/FFRs for completeness and accuracy (PostAward Finance Mgr and Grants Mgt Team)

Submit FSR/FFRs to sponsor (PostAward Grants Mgt Team)



Generate invoices from Banner (PostAward Finance Mgr, Grants Mgt Team and A/R Manager/staff)

Review invoices for completeness and accuracy (PostAward Finance Mgr and Grants Mgt Team)

Sign interim invoices (PostAward Grants Mgt Team)

Sign final invoices (PostAward Grants Mgt Team)

Submit invoices to the sponsor for payment (PostAward Grants Mgt Team)

Retain a copy of invoices for institutional record (PostAward Grants Mgt Team)


Other Cash Management

Conduct the LOC draw for all applicable balances (PostAward Director of Cash Mgt)

Liaise with the Controller's Office for cost transfers / and accting questions. (PostAward Director of Cash Mgt)

Manage/collect invoice payments for Accounts Receivable (PostAward A/R Manager and Staff)

Apply payments to AR balances in the financial system (PostAward A/R Manager and Staff)

Process lockbox checks from sponsors (PostAward A/R Manager and Staff)

Continuously monitor outstanding AR (PostAward A/R Manager and Staff)

Review/reconcile A/R, Deferred Revenue and Reserve accounts. (PostAward Director of Cash Mgt)

Monitor and reconcile Grant Cash and Refund Clearing accounts. (PostAward A/R Manager and Staff)

Contact sponsors to accelerate payment when necessary (PostAward A/R Manager and Staff)

Evaluate candidates for bad debt write-off (PostAward Director of Cash Mgt)


Financial Compliance (Expenditures, Monitoring, Oversight, Transaction Review)

Review/approve cost transfer requests (Standard JETs, Labor JETs) (PostAward Director of Cash Mgt, Assoc. Director of Grants and Compliance Mgt/ERS Staff)

Review/approve HR hiring requests on sponsored awards (PCNs / Faculty and Staff hires / Grad RA / Postdoc / Summer Pay / One-Time Payments) (PostAward Assoc Director of Grants)

Review/approve Purchasing requests (Purchase Orders, PCards) (PostAward Assoc Director of Grants)

Review/approve Accounts Payable (Concur Travel and Expense) (PostAward Assoc Director of Grants)

Review/approve Tuition Remission (PostAward Assoc Director of Grants)

Review/approve Participant Support (petty cash, gift cards, ClinCards*) (PostAward Assoc Director of Grants)

Approve and process subinvoices for payment (PostAward Finance Manager)

Coordinate training for internal and department research administrators. (PostAward Assoc Director of Grants and Compliance Manager/ERS Staff)


Effort Reporting Administration/Management

Notify PI/Dept of upcoming Effort Certification (PostAward Compliance Mgr/ERS Staff)

Collect and maintain official records of effort reporting (PostAward Compliance Mgr/ERS Staff)

Monitor compliance with effort reporting policy (PostAward Compliance Mgr/ERS Staff)


Account Closeout

Notify the department of account that is due for closeout (PostAward Grants Mgt Team)

Prepare final account reconciliation for award closeout (PostAward Grants Mgt Team)

Review final account reconciliation for accuracy and exclusion of unallowable expenses (PostAward Grants Mgt Team)

Submit the final financial report/invoice with any additional required documentation to sponsor (PostAward Grants Mgt Team)

Close the account in the financial system (PostAward Assoc. Director of Grants)

Update end date in financial system for approved No-Cost Extension requests (PostAward Grants Mgt Team)



Correspond with external entity regarding audit (PostAward Director)

Prepare audit response (Post Award Special Projects Team)

Follow up on corrective actions (Post Award Special Projects Team)

Develop and manage internal audit report (Post Award Special Projects Team)


Account Setup

Review award documentation for account set-up (PostAward Special Projects Team)

Assign a Grant Number in Banner (PostAward Special Projects Team)

Set up the Budget in Banner (PostAward Special Projects Team)

Establish documentation of new award (PostAward Special Projects Team)

Follow up to ensure all steps are completed on a timely basis. (PostAward Finance Manager)


Financial Reporting

Sign FSR/FFRs as Institutional Official (PostAward Director)



Generate invoices from Banner (PostAward Director of Cash Mgt.)

Prepare invoices based on sponsor defined template(s) or milestone (PostAward Finance Manager and Grants Management Team)

Provide requested backup information to sponsor (PostAward Finance Mgr and Director of Cash Mgt.)

Sign final invoices (PostAward Associate Director of Grants)


Other Cash Management

Conduct the LOC draw for all applicable balances (PostAward A/R Manager/ Staff)


Financial Compliance (Expenditures, Monitoring, Oversight, Transaction Review)

Review/approve Purchasing requests (Purchase Orders, PCards) (PostAward Director)

Review/approve Accounts Payable (Concur Travel and Expense) (PostAward Director)

Review/approve Tuition Remission (PostAward Director)

Approve and process subinvoices for payment (PostAward Director)


Account Closeout

Process allowable adjustments or cost transfers (PostAward Grants Mgt Team)                                                                       

Update end date in financial system for approved No-Cost Extension requests (Post Award Setup Specialist)



Correspond with external entity regarding audit (PostAward Director of Cash Mgt and Special Projects Team)


Other Cash Management

Contact sponsors to accelerate payment when necessary (PostAward Grants Management Team)

Evaluate candidates for bad debt write-off (PostAward A/R Manager/ Staff)


Financial Compliance (Expenditures, Monitoring, Oversight, Transaction Review)

Perform ad-hoc audits of high-risk subrecipients (PostAward Compliance Manager/ERS Staff)

Review corrective action plans for subrecipients (PostAward Compliance Manager/ERS Staff)

Coordinate training for internal and department research administrators. (PostAward Director of Cash Management)


Effort Reporting Administration/Management

Complete effort reporting requirements (PostAward Compliance Manager/ERS Staff)


Account Closeout

Prepare additional documentation for closeout (property/invention statements) (Grants Management Team)

Close the account in the financial system (PostAward Finance Mgr and Grants Management Team)

Review No-Cost Extension request (PostAward Finance Mgr and Grants Management Team)



Prepare audit response (PostAward Finance Mgr and Compliance Mgr/ERS Staff)

Follow up on corrective actions (PostAward Finance Manager)


Account Setup

Review / approve Advance Account requests (Associate Vice President, Research Administration)

Review award documentation for account set-up (PostAward Assoc. Director of Grants)

Assign a Grant Number in Banner (PostAward Assoc. Director of Grants)

Set up the Budget in Banner (PostAward Assoc. Director of Grants)

Establish documentation of new award (PostAward Assoc. Director of Grants)

Follow up to ensure all steps are completed on a timely basis. (PostAward Director)

Audit Account setup to make sure no errors were created (PostAward Assoc. Director of Grants)


Financial Reporting

Sign FSR/FFRs as Institutional Official (AVP for RA)

Submit FSR/FFRs to sponsor (PostAward Finance Manager)



Generate invoices from Banner (PostAward Director, and Assoc. Director of Grants)

Communicate sponsor specific requirements (Post Award Grants Management Team)

Sign interim invoices (Assoc VP for Research Admin and PostAward Finance Manager)

Sign final invoices (Assoc VP for Research Admin and PostAward Finance Manager)

Submit invoices to the sponsor for payment (PostAward Finance Manager)


Other Cash Management

Conduct the LOC draw for all applicable balances (PostAward Director)

Manage/collect invoice payments for Accounts Receivable (PostAward Director of Cash Mgt)

Apply payments to AR balances in the financial system (PostAward Director of Cash Mgt)

Process lockbox checks from sponsors (PostAward Director of Cash Mgt)

Continuously monitor outstanding AR, especially aged receivable balances (PostAward Director of Cash Mgt)

Review and reconcile Accounts Receivable, Deferred Revenue and Reserve accounts (PostAward Director)

Monitor and reconcile Grant Cash and Refund Clearing accounts (PostAward Director of Cash Mgt)

Contact sponsors to accelerate payment when necessary (PostAward Director of Cash Mgt)

Evaluate candidates for bad debt write-off (PostAward Director)


Financial Compliance (Expenditures, Monitoring, Oversight, Transaction Review)

Review corrective action plans for subrecipients (AVP for Research Administration)

Internally communicate the results of subrecipient audit findings or corrective actions (AVP for Research Administration)

Identify subrecipients that pose a risk per audit findings (AVP for Research Administration)

Pre-qualify subrecipients with a review of Single Audit in the federal clearinghouse. (AVP for Research Administration)

Application, internal control and monitoring, extension and closeout of gift cards, ClinCards, and petty cash requests. (PostAward Director)


Effort Reporting Administration/Management

Notify PI/Dept of upcoming Effort Certification (PostAward Director of Cash Mgt)

Collect and maintain official records of effort reporting (PostAward Director of Cash Mgt)

Monitor compliance with effort reporting policy (PostAward Director of Cash Mgt)

Confirm certified effort is commensurate with actual effort (PostAward Compliance Mgr/ERS Staff)

Process restricted payroll (PostAward Compliance Mgr/ERS Staff)


Account Closeout

Notify the department of account that is due for closeout (PostAward Finance Manager)

Prepare final account reconciliation for award closeout (PostAward Finance Manager)

Review final account reconciliation for accuracy and exclusion of unallowable expenses (PostAward Finance Manager)

Process allowable adjustments or cost transfers (PostAward Finance Manager)

Submit the final financial report/invoice with any additional required documentation to sponsor (PostAward Finance Manager)

Update end date in financial system for approved No-Cost Extension requests (PostAward Finance Manager)



Correspond with external entity regarding audit (AVP for Research Administration)

Prepare audit response (AVP for Research Administration)

Follow up on corrective actions (AVP for Research Administration)

Develop and manage internal audit report (AVP for Research Administration)

Roles & Responsibilities Matrix

To download the detailed roles and responsibilities matrix, click on the link below.