Data Management & Sharing

The current NIH Data Management and Sharing policy, effective January 25, 2023, sets the consistent minimum expectation for all research supported by the agency. All other NIH Institutes or Centers (ICs) may build upon this policy. All research funded by NIH that produces scientific data is subject to the policy. All applications subject to the DMS policy are required to include a DMS plan and how data will be shared, and researchers will be required to follow through and comply with this plan.

The review and compliance of each plan, and the reporting on its adherence through normal grant reporting process and / or publication is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator (PI). All public sharing is subject to Temple’s Policies and Procedures, including applicable laws and regulations.

Temple OVPR NIH GDS Policy Update

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced updates to data security standards and terms of access for human genomic data under the Genomic Data Sharing Policy (GDS). These updates are designed to enhance data security and ensure compliance with federal cybersecurity requirements. The updated requirements apply to data obtained from controlled-access repositories listed here. Investigators must comply with the heightened security standards for all new or renewal applications for controlled-access data after January 25, 2025.

Key Updates, Implementation Details, and Points of Contact

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has announced updates to data security standards and terms of access for human genomic data under the Genomic Data Sharing Policy (GDS). These updates are designed to enhance data security and ensure compliance with federal cybersecurity requirements. Changes are in effect as of January 25, 2025.

Key Updates

Implementation Details

  • Compliance Obligation: Investigators must comply with the updated security standards for all new or renewal applications for controlled-access data after January 25, 2025. Active data use agreements approved prior to this date may continue under their existing terms.
  • Attestation Requirements: The data requestor, IT contact, and signing official listed on the data use agreement must attest to compliance. If full compliance with NIST SP 800-171 has not yet been achieved, NIH will accept an attestation under a Plan of Action and Milestones (POAM). TU has a POAM in place and is working through compliance milestones, so investigators may attest to this.
  • Institutional Compliance Plan: Temple University is actively developing compliance solutions and has established a POAM outlining how data environments requiring compliance with NIST SP 800-171 will be brought into alignment with the updated standards.

Additional Notes

  • Data Use Agreement Review Process: Data use agreements subject to NIST SP 800-171 compliance will require ITS review prior to final approval by OVPR.
  • Support for Compliance with Security Standards: Questions regarding compliance with the NIST SP 800-171 standards at Temple University should be directed to .
  • Budget Considerations: The costs of using a secure data environment are allowable and should be included in proposal budgets when known at the proposal stage. Please  direct questions about cost allowability for new proposals to Director of Pre Award management, Christine Blewett at ,  and Director of Finance/Accounting, Stephen Kosciolek at For questions related to existing awards, contact Dennis Paffrath, Associate Vice President for Research Administration at .
  • Please ensure that you review the updated requirements and adjust your data management practices accordingly. 

If you have questions or concerns about research compliance matters, please contact Maria Palazuelos Jorganes, Associate Vice President of Research Compliance at .

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Temple's plan?

In compliance with NIH requirements, Temple University Libraries has created a guide to the NIH 2023 DMS policy for research purposes.

As you write your grant, create your Data Management Policy (DMP) plan by using this DMP tool.

Temple has also acquired the services of LabArchives to provide an electronic notebook data keeping and sharing tool.

What is NIH Data Management Sharing policy?

Submit a Data Management and Sharing plan outlining how scientific data and any accompanying metadata will be managed and shared, taking into account any potential restrictions or limitations.

Comply with the Data Management and Sharing plan approved by the funding Institute or Center (IC).

Who will provide oversight of Data Management and Sharing?

NIH is flexible about the named oversight to the Data Management and Sharing Plan. The proposal PI is responsible for primary oversight and monitoring of the laboratory data managing activities and data sharing to ensure compliance with the NIH DMS guidelines. The co-PI and named senior laboratory personnel may also provide broader compliance oversight.

Temple University has partnered with LabArchives to provide the research community a data management and sharing tool.

LabArchives Electronic Laboratory Notebooks (ELN) was designed to maintain the security of research data while providing a means to safely share data following institution and funder requirements. They are actively working to create and evolve solutions that meet the NIH guidelines. 

NIH RequirementLabArchives Solution
Data Management Plan

-Create and store a DMP securely in the notebook
-Upload external files with links

Coming soon: Additional DMP solutions being developed

Persistent Digital Identifiers-Generate a DOI for shared data
-Utilize ORCID ID for researchers
-Add DMP IDs to notebooks via our API
Data Sharing Options

-Share directly from LabArchives
-Approve public shares to control IP
-Create DOIs in the sharing process

Coming soon: Integration with FigShare and other data repositories

Visit the LabArchives page to learn more and to create your account.

What other data repositories exist?

In addition to LabArchives enabled data management, repositories recommended and hosted by Temple University are a resource for all researchers to use to share and preserve their data. TUScholarShare, Temple's institutional repository, can accept certain kinds of research data and this guide lists recommended generalist and subject-specific repositories. For more information reach out to Will Dean at Temple University Libraries  or Research Data Services Team at .

What policies govern Temple’s data sharing?

All Temple Data sharing is governed by Temple’s ITS Tech policies as found on Temple’s ITS Tech Policies List. This includes use of and return of Temple owned computers and storage devices.

Where can I find training and documentation?

You can find training and documentation page for LabArchives here.

Where can I learn more about data privacy and security challenges for researchers?

Data security and privacy concerns and requirements are in a state of flux as new technologies reshape the way we communicate, store data, and do research.

Click here to learn from experts from across Temple about current issues, funder requirements, and resources available to stay on top of data privacy and security concerns in the world of research. This webinar was hosted by Temple Libraries on February 13, 2025.