Data Management FAQs

Who provides oversight of Data Management and Sharing?

NIH is flexible about the names oversight to the Data Management and Sharing Plan. The proposal PI is responsible for primary oversight and monitoring of the laboratory data managing activities and data sharing to ensure compliance with the NIH DMA guidelines. The co-PI and named senior laboratory personnel may also provide broader compliance oversight. 

What are the storage options on an electronic notebook?

Storage capacity for each notebook: Each notebook capacity is 1 TB, a single attachment can be up to 16 GB, with 30,000 entries per notebook. The recommendation is to create multiple notebooks to organize your data. LabArchives can also be used to tell your research narrative and keep a time stamped record of all work done. You can add a link to data repositories where your large data sets are already stored and can continue to be stored. 

What are the data sharing requirements?

Sharing Data: LabArchives will create a DOI and publish it, if needed for your work. It is the PIs responsibility, if sharing data, to ensure that all data sharing is compliant with Temple’s existing data policies, including, but not limited to, IRBexport control, informed consent, IP considerations, and all Temple ITS policies.

Can a member of Fox Chase or TUHS use LabArchives?

Anyone with an AccessNet account may use LabArchives, provided you sign in with a account. If you do not have one, you must first secure one to login. Please follow this link for instructions on how to request an account. 

How do I login for the first time?

Temple University has a SSO for LabArchives. If you are signing in for the first time, follow this link to login. 

I need to use a DUA/CoC to share data because of private information, what repository can I use?

Depending on your research project and funder you may be required to deposit your data in a disciplinary repository operated by a funder, like the NIH (see a list of repositories operated by the NIH). If you are reusing a dataset with sensitive data, the custodians of the dataset may require you to deposit your data with them.

If neither of those cases fit your project, there are other repositories that provide Data Use Agreement (DUAs) and Certificates of Confidentiality (CoC), usually for an additional fee. ICPSR, a cross-disciplinary repository that Temple is a member of offers various options, as does Vivli, a repository for clinical data.

Both LabArchives and TUScholarShare, Temple’s institutional repository do not allow for DUAs or CoC. 

I want to share data from LabArchives/deposit data in TUScholarShare, what license should I use?

Both LabArchives and TUScholarShare support the use of Creative Commons (CC) licenses that you can apply to your data. These licenses restrict what others can do with your data after you make it available. The least restrictive option available in LabArchives is CC-BY, which allows others to use your data for any kind of project as long as the cite you and your team as the creators of the dataset. In TUScholarShare, the least restrictive is CC0, which allows others to reuse your data without attribution. Additional licenses allow you to restrict reuse to non-commercial activites (NC), require others using your data to share their work (SA), and more. You can read about the licenses here.