Temple University Research Council (TURC)

The Temple University Research Council (TURC) is an advisory body to assist campus leadership in advancing the research enterprise of the university. The TURC should identify opportunities to grow and bring recognition to research activities and programs at Temple University. 


  1. Advises the Provost and Vice President for Research (VPR) on the overall Temple research enterprise, including, but not limited to: 
    • Strategic planning to optimize the research productivity of faculty and staff, and to support highly innovative, transformative research. 
    • Allocation of flexible resources, such as support of research competitions, matching funds for grants, funding to assist recruitment and retention of research faculty, and honoring research contributions. 
    • Major campus-wide and interdisciplinary research programs and issues. 
    • Research policy changes and compliance processes. 
    • Consultation on the establishment, periodic review and closing of research centers and institutes.  
  2. Brings the views and opinions of the Temple research community to the attention of the Provost and VPR.  
  3. Creates subcommittees to study specific topics, as needed. 


The TURC should represent the diversity of research and scholarship at Temple University. The members of the committee are appointed by the Provost and include the Provost or a designee, the Vice President for Research, research-active faculty or administrators, and others who can contribute to the work of the Council. The Faculty Senate will also recommend a representative to serve on the Council. Council members will normally be appointed to three-year terms and serve at the pleasure of the Provost.  Members are listed with term ending year in parentheses.

Research Council Members
  • Josh Gladden, Vice President for Research (Chair, ex officio) 
  • Barbara Wasik, Professor and PNC Chair in Early Childhood Education (2024) 
  • Geoff Wright, Professor of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (2026) 
  • Grace Ma, Professor and Associate Dean, Health Disparities (2025) 
  • Iyad Obeid, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (2025) 
  • Jackie Rodriguez, Assistant University Counsel (ex officio) 
  • John Karanicolas, Professor and Director, Moulder Center for Drug Discovery Research (2026) 
  • Julie Booth, Professor and Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs and Graduate Faculty (2025) 
  • Kate Wingert-Playdon, Professor and Senior Associate Dean and Director of Architecture and Environmental Design (2024) 
  • Kimberly Williams, Professor and Chair of Anthropology (2026) 
  • Laura Toran, Professor of Earth and Environmental Science (2025) 
  • Peter Marshall, Professor and Chair, Department of Psychology (2024) 
  • Richard Souvenir, Professor and Vice Provost for Strategic Initiatives (ex officio) 
  • Riyaz Bashir, Professor of Medicine (2024) 
  • Sarah Bass, Professor of Social and Behavioral Sciences (2024) 
  • Sudhir Kumar, Laura H. Carnell Professor and Director, Institute for Genomics and Evolutionary Medicine (2026) 
  • Sudipta Basu, Professor and Robert Livingston Johnson Senior Research Fellow (2025) 
  • Tomasz Skorski, Professor and Director, Fels Cancer Institute for Personalized Medicine (2026)  
  • Tricia Burdo, Professor and Vice Chair, Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Inflammation (Faculty Senate Representative, ex officio)