Temple researcher in a laboratory

Research Administration

The Office of Research Administration operates under the direction of the Vice President for Research, managing all non-financial matters related to externally sponsored grants and contracts awarded to the Temple University. On behalf of the university, this office coordinates the solicitation and administration of grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements. Our responsibilities include:

  • Assisting faculty and staff in identifying potential funding opportunities
  • Providing faculty/staff with development services through various forms of outreach
  • Negotiating awards
  • Overall post-award administration of grants and contracts awarded to the university
  • Providing suggestions of policies and procedures relating to such efforts

The grants and contracts received by the university for a specific purpose or program, under the direction from a member of the faculty community are managed by the Office of Research Administration. Generally funding is provided for research, public service, or instructional activities, however, other forms of funding include faculty development, curriculum development, student fellowships, equipment and/or facility renovation, conferences and performances.

While maintaining a collaborative model of stewardship among all Temple University faculty and staff, our primary goal is to support sponsored research by providing exceptional service, expertise, and education to our University stakeholders.