Internal Programs

The Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) provides various internal research development programs, from interdisciplinary research support through I-SPARK to internal funding opportunities.


I-SPARK (Interdisciplinary Strategies for Promoting and Advancing Research and Knowledge) provides programmatic and administrative support for interdisciplinary teams to pursue scholarship, discovery, and innovation in any area from the earliest stages of team formation to full proposal submission.

Internal Funding

OVPR conducts an annual Internal Funding Program for faculty to help bolster individual research programs and develop a framework to attain extramural funding. Complete guidelines and application information is highlighted on the OVPR website when the submission window for each program is active.

This program focuses on faculty-led research in these areas:  

  • Early-stage interdisciplinary research projects in specific targeted areas.
  • Novel interdisciplinary projects with strong potential for external funding.
  • Bridge (gap) funding so existing research programs and staff can be maintained while extramural funding is secured.
  • Innovative research, scholarly or creative projects in the humanities and arts disciplines.

Please note internal funding is offered once a year in the Spring for a period of 12 months.