Post Award Management

The Post Award Management team provides a wealth of services that begins when an externally sponsored award is funded.

These services include ensuring adherence to rules and regulation of funding agencies, preparation and submission of financial reports and invoices, and the maximization of cash flow.

The Post Award Management team also provides the management of the Effort Reporting System (ERS), sub-recipient monitoring and service center rate development. 

Other reporting functions of the office include the preparation of the Facilities and Administrative rate proposal, the Employee Benefit rate proposal and the Uniform Guidance Single audit report.

Processing An Award

Post Award grant and contract administration begins when the University receives notification of the award. The process continues through the life of the award and through financial and technical closeout of the grant or contract.

Award Notification

Most grants and contracts are awarded to the University and not to an individual investigator. The University designated the Pre Award Management and Post Award Management team to have oversight responsiblilty for review and approval of all expenditures of funds from sponsored agreements. However, the daily administration of fiscal and technical aspects of a grant or contract remains the responsibility of the principal investigator. Investigators continue to be responsible to their Dean and ultimately to the Vice President for Research for the project.

Pre-Award Expenses

Contact Pre Award Management for sponsor-specific restrictions on pre-award spending. An Advance Account Request and any supporting documentation will be reviewed and processed by Pre Award Management.

Forms: Advance Cost Center Request Form6

Negotiation of the Award


The award notification is processed by the Pre Award Management team and sent to the Post Award Management team for creation of an account#, or FOAPAL. Grant award notices generally do not require a University endorsement or acknowledgement. Those that do are signed by the Vice President for Research or her designee.

Contracts require special procedures and University signatures prior to the acceptance of funds, and should be forwarded to your Pre Award Management administrator for review and processing. The President and the Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer are the only University officials who have the authority to bind the University contractually.


Upon receipt of an award for a grant or contract, the Pre Award Management team requests that the Post Award Management team establish a separate account number for the project. Funds expended in the performance of the project are charged to the center number. When the Post Award Management team establishes the center number, Post Award Management sends a copy of the award notice and approved budget to the investigator, appropriate chairs and Deans.


Negotiation of Sub-Awards

If the University receives an award and a portion of the activity is to be sub-contracted to another entity, the Pre Award Management team assists the PI in development of a sub-contract which outlines the sub-contractor's role in meeting the requirements of the award. The Pre Award Management team forwards the sub-contract to the sub-contractor for review and signature. Upon return of the executed document, the PI should complete a Financial Impact Statement. The Pre Award Management team forwards the sub-contract and Financial Impact Statement to University Counsel, where review and appropriate signature(s) and seal (if necessary) are obtained.

When the University is the recipient of a sub-contract similar procedures are followed.

Please direct any questions on sub-contracts to the Pre Award Management team at Any questions on sub-recipient monitoring should be directed to the Post Award Management team, or click here.

Restricted Account & Charging Funds


Upon receipt of an award for a grant or contract, the Pre Award Management team requests the Post Award Management team to establish a separate FOAPAL for the project. Funds expended in the performance of the project are charged to the FOAPAL number. When Post Award Management establishes the FOAPAL,a copy of the award notice and approved budget are sent to the investigator, appropriate chairs and Deans, and expenses can be charged to the account.


The PI, or his or her designee, must submit all requests for expenditures to Post Award Management for approval. Post Award Management reviews all requests to make sure they meet both the terms of the award and University policies; consistent application of current University policy and procedures is required on external awards. All University forms currently available for such expenditures (e.g., salaries and wages, travel, supplies and equipment, check requests, and hiring of personnel) must be properly completed before awarded funds can be utilized. Forms and instructions are available in the appropriate Deans' Offices and/or departments. Commonly used Banner Budget Categories are listed in the Chart of Accounts Account Classifications. Access account classifications here

Charges to grants and contracts for materials received and services rendered can only be made prior to the expiration date of the award. Investigators should refer to the appropriate section of the manual or contact Pre Award Management with any questions regarding processing procedures.