External Funding

The goal of OVPR's Office of Research Development is to align Temple researchers' interests with funding opportunities. Researchers can seek funding from a variety of sources, such as government agencies, nonprofits, and corporations. This includes access to searchable funding databases and updates on proposal opportunities.


PIVOT provides many services to Temple faculty, including targeted funding opportunity alerts, an expertise database, and other services. 

Limited Submission Opportunities Program

Limited Submission opportunities are grants that restrict eligibility to one application per institution. All current Limited Opportunities can be found in Temple InfoReady.

They are external funding announcements from federal agencies, foundations, and professional associations with restrictions or limits on the number of applications that an institution may submit. Typically, these involve the number of proposals or letters of intent that Temple University may submit for a specific funding cycle. In such cases, pre-proposals from internal candidates will be reviewed and evaluated to determine which may be selected for submission to the funding sponsor on behalf of Temple University. The overarching objective is to make Temple as competitive as possible for these external competitions through an internal review process that ensures transparency and fairness.

If you know of a limited opportunity not listed in InfoReady, you can reach out to the Office of Research Development.

What is Temple University’s Process For Limited Submissions?

The Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) oversees and manages the Limited Submission Opportunities Program.  OVPR has an Internal Review Peer Committee drawn from faculty, deans, and senior administration with expertise in the targeted research area. Committee members review and evaluate the pre-proposals, using sponsor guidelines and review criteria and make recommendations to the Vice President for Research based on the merits. The committee’s aim is to identify the best pre-proposals that have the greatest potential for success for each limited submission opportunity.

Faculty must observe the following process to secure OVPR authorization for proposal submission.

  • Limited submission opportunities are posted on Temple InfoReady with an announcement sent to Associate Deans for Research for dissemination to faculty;
  • Eligible candidates submit pre-proposals through Temple InfoReady;
  • Peer reviewers evaluate the pre-proposals based on sponsor guidelines and review criteria;
  • All candidates receive a review critique through Temple InfoReady;
  • Selection notification for the approved candidate is sent through Temple InfoReady to candidates, department research administrators, Associate Deans for Research, and OVPR Pre-Award Management;
  • The selected candidate is approved to move forward with submission of a full proposal to sponsor.
How Does OVPR Identify Limited Submission Opportunities?
  • Standard, regular recurring programs: Limited Submission FOAs Here
  • Ad hoc opportunities presented by faculty or staff
  • Strategic opportunities developed in response to an urgent national or global concern

For questions please contact .