The Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) uses Temple InfoReady to support the review on Internal Programs, such as I-SPARK, and Limited Submissions. The portal also supports the dissemination, submission, and review of OVPR funding initiatives.
Temple InfoReady serves as the platform to submit pre-proposals. OVPR will manage a peer review process to determine which proposal(s) will be approved. Applicants will be able to monitor the status of their submission using their Temple InfoReady account.
Note that Temple InfoReady will not take the place of the university Electronic Research Administration (ERA) system used for proposal submissions to external agencies. OVPR-approved institutional candidates or nominees selected for limited submission competitions must use ERA to submit full proposals to external sponsors.
Investigators will also use Temple InfoReady to submit complete application packages in response to OVPR-sponsored funding initiatives. Information about initiatives will be posted on the Temple InfoReady site. Peers will review proposals for internal funding. Applicants will be able to monitor the status of their submission using their Temple InfoReady account.