University Laboratory & Animal Resources

University Laboratory Animal Resources (ULAR) consists of the Health Sciences Center (HSC) and the Main Campus (MC) animal facilities.

ULAR is under the organizational direction of the University Veterinarian, which is under the Institutional direction of the Vice President for Research (VPR). The VPR is the IO (Institutional Official). ULAR serves the collective needs of the HSC and MC for supporting research, teaching and testing programs that employ the use of animals. 

Temple's Animal Care and Use Program Assurance is accountable by the VPR through the IACUC. The IACUC is responsible for evaluating and overseeing the animal care and use programs of the University. The VPR is responsible for ensuring that the decisions of the University Veterinarian and IACUC are properly enforced. At the HSC and MC, the Attending Veterinarian (AV) directs the Veterinary Care Program and has managerial oversight for all laboratory animals to ensure compliance with federal regulations and university policies regarding the use of animals in biomedical research, testing and teaching.