Basic Questions

Where are the forms?

New applications for new human research protocols must be filled out as e-forms with an ERA submission. Templates for other documentation that should be included with an application can be found on the Investigator Quick Links page of our website

What should a submission include?

E-forms are the electronic versions of the mandatory IRB forms. There are certain e-forms that are mandatory for each type of submission. They are as follows:

  • Initial Submission (new application) – either the Application for Classroom Project OR the Application for Human Research e-form.
  • Continuing Review – Continuing Review e-form.
  • Amendment – Amendment of Approved Human Research e-form.
  • Reportable New Information – Reportable New Information e-form.
  • Close Protocol – Final Report e-form.

The mandatory e-form for Initial Submissions will appear in bold type when you choose Add Institution Forms/Supporting Documents in ERA. For all other submissions types, the e-form appears automatically. All other supplemental documents (protocols, consent forms, HIPAA forms, etc.) are available as downloadable templates that can be modified and then uploaded as supplemental documents to the submission. For Initial submissions, Section III of the Application e-form has a checklist of supplemental documents for you to indicate what you are including with your submission.

Please see these slides for basic tips and tricks on submitting to the IRB, including screenshots for how to navigate ERA. For additional ERA navigation information, see the ERA Training Tutorials and Documentation.

Please see of ERA Training Tutorials and Documentation  for more information on making IRB submissions in ERA.

Should I save a form, consent form template, or protocol template to my desktop?

No. The reason is templates are often revised. Using only the current version found on the IRB website will minimize delays in the review process.

Is there a different application e-form for medical and social and behavioral research?

No. We have one Application e-form that covers medical and social and behavioral research and one Classroom Projects/Activities Application that covers medical and social and behavioral classes. These application e-forms must be filled out within ERA. All other supplemental documents to the application e-form (i.e. consent forms, protocols, etc.) can be found on the Investigator Quick Links page. These templates can be downloaded from the IRB’s website and included as supplemental documents with your ERA submission.

Are there different forms for exempt studies, expedited studies, and full board studies?

No. You only need an initial application via ERA, and include all supplemental documents required in addition to your e-form application. The IRB will decide whether the study can be classified as exempt, expedited, or full board. As a reminder only the IRB can make the determination of exempt status. Consequently, even if you believe that your study falls under the exempt review status, you still must submit an initial application for review.

Consent Form 

Do I have to use the informed consent template?

We encourage you to use the informed consent form template. Since it's a template, you can modify it according to your study's needs. For example, many sections may be irrelevant or inapplicable; delete those sections from the template. Note that substantial variations regarding subject injury or confidentiality may result in a delay of the review process.

If your subject injury language needs to be revised from the template language and the study is an industry-funded/outside sponsor study, please contact Lisa Landsberg at (215) 707-7303 or at  for the appropriate language.

There are two consent form templates. How do I know which consent form template to use?

Use the Minimal Risk consent form template if the study has minimal risk. If the study has more than minimal risk, use the other consent form template. Contact the IRB Office if you have any questions about what is considered "minimal risk".

What is "minimal risk"?

Minimal risk means that the probability and magnitude of harm or discomfort anticipated in the research are not greater in and of themselves than those ordinarily encountered in the daily life of normal persons or during the performance of routine physical or psychological examinations or tests in normal persons. Note that only the IRB can make the final determination as to whether a study qualifies as minimal risk.

What are some examples of minimal risk?

Examples of procedures that are minimal risk can be found in the HRP-424 CHECKLIST-Expedited Review.

Why isn't there an assent template?

The assent form should be an explanation of the proposed research procedures in a language that is appropriate to the child's age, experience, maturity, and condition. The explanation should include a discussion of any discomforts and inconveniences, in non-technical terms, the child may experience if she or he agrees to participate. Due to these variables, the investigator is in a better position to draft the assent form.

Do I need a witness during the consent process and a witness signature line in the consent form?

The IRB does not routinely require a witness to be present when consent is obtained and therefore does not routinely require a witness signature in the consent form. However, the IRB requires a witness signature in the following circumstances:

  • The subject is illiterate or unable to read due to visual impairment.
  • The short form consent is used.
  • It is also possible that the IRB may require a witness signature for select studies.

For those situations where the IRB requires a witness, the witness signature section should be marked as "Required" on the consent form to ensure that a witness signature is obtained.

If the IRB does not require a witness signature, the absence of a witness signature does not violate IRB policy.

The investigator has the option to include a witness signature line on the consent form. The investigator might elect this option in the following situations:

  • The study's risk profile is particularly large
  • The investigator feels more comfortable obtaining a witness signature in this subject population or with a specific subject

When a witness signature is obtained, investigators should include, in the medical record, the reason why a witness signature was obtained.

Please refer to HRP-802 INVESTIGATOR GUIDANCE - Informed Consent and HRP-803 INVESTIGATOR GUIDANCE – Documentation of Informed Consent regarding impartial witnesses in the consent process. 


How do I write a protocol?

Please refer to the Protocol Templates section of the Investigator Quick Links Page. Since it's a template, you can modify it according to your study's needs. For example, many sections may be irrelevant or inapplicable; delete those sections from the template.

What is an Investigator Protocol?

If the study is not sponsored, the Investigator Protocol is simply the protocol that you will follow at Temple.

However, if the study is sponsored, the Investigator Protocol describes how the study will be operationalized or done at Temple University. These operational issues include: information regarding the study facilities; patient population; the expected number of local subjects; recruitment methods; who will recruit the subjects; and how much time will be devoted to recruitment. The Investigator Protocol is therefore distinct from the sponsor protocol.

How do I know which protocol template to use?

The choice in protocol template is based off the level of risk. If your study is minimal risk, use the Minimal Risk Protocol Template. If your study is more than minimal risk, use the Main Protocol Template. If you have any questions about what is considered "minimal risk", please contact the IRB Office.

Adverse Events

What happened to the electronic Adverse Events reporting system? What do I need to report to IRB?

Federal guidance clarified that only a small subset of adverse events occurring in human research subjects are unanticipated problems that must be reported under 45 CFR part 46, 21 CFR 312, and 21 CFR 812. The guidance helps ensure that the review and reporting of unanticipated problems occur in a timely, meaningful way so that the human subjects can be better protected from avoidable harms, while reducing unnecessary burden on IRB members. The vast majority of adverse events occurring in human subjects are not unanticipated problems, or alternatively put, are anticipated problems; a small proportion of adverse events are unanticipated problems; and unanticipated problems can include other incidents, experiences, and outcomes that are not adverse events. Investigators are obligated to report the following information items to the IRB within 5 business days of learning of the information.

  1.  “Any information that meets all of the following three criteria:
    1. Unanticipated or unexpected, in terms of nature, severity, or frequency, given the research procedures that are described in the protocol-related documents (e.g., the IRB-approved research protocol and informed consent document) and the characteristics of the subject population.
    2. Related or possibly related to participation in the research (there is a reasonable possibility that the incident, experience, or outcome may have been caused by the procedures involved in the research).
    3. And suggests that the research places subjects or others at a greater risk of harm (including physical, psychological, economic, or social harm) than was previously known or recognized.
  2. New information (e.g., an interim analysis, safety monitoring report, publication in the literature, sponsor report, or investigator finding) that indicates an increase in the frequency or magnitude of a previously known risk, or uncovers a new risk.
  3. Withdrawal, restriction, or modification of a marketed approval of a drug, device, or biologic used in a research protocol.
  4. Protocol violation that harmed subjects or others or that indicates subjects or others might be at increased risk of harm.
  5. Complaint of a subject that indicates subjects or others might be at increased risk of harm or at risk of a new harm.
  6. Non-compliance with the federal regulations or state/local laws governing human research or with the requirements or determinations of the IRB, or an allegation of such non-compliance.
  7. Audit, inspection, or inquiry by a federal agency.
  8. Written reports of study monitors to the investigator; data safety monitoring board reports; changes to the investigator brochure, package insert, or device labeling; or written reports of sponsors to investigators (excluding Medwatch reports sent to the FDA).
  9. Progress reports for studies conducted under and IDE or HUD; IND safety reports.
  10. Failure to follow the protocol due to the action or inaction of the investigator or research staff.
  11. Breach of confidentiality or unauthorized disclosure of confidential information (whether by the researchers or others).
  12. Change to the protocol taken without prior IRB review to eliminate an apparent immediate hazard to a subject.
  13. Administering a test drug or device or use of a research procedure without consent to alleviate a life-threatening situation or for emergency use.
  14. Incarceration of a subject in a study not approved by the IRB to involve prisoners.
  15. Complaint of a subject that cannot be resolved by the research team.
  16. Premature suspension or termination of the research by the sponsor, investigator, this institution, or another institution.
  17. State medical board action.
  18. Unanticipated adverse device effect (any serious adverse effect on health or safety or any life-threatening problem or death caused by, or associated with, a device, if that effect, problem, or death was not previously identified in nature, severity, or degree of incidence in the investigational plan or application (including a supplementary plan or application), or any other unanticipated serious problem associated with a device that relates to the rights, safety, or welfare of subjects.)” 

Practice Runs

How do I complete the Practice Run Training?

The Practice Runs training is completed through CITI ( Once you log into your account on the CITI website, you'll need to add the Practice Runs course to your curriculum. The actual training consist of two portions: 1) reviewing a power point, 2) reading the definition of Practice Runs. When you start the course in CITI, you will see two links directing you back to our website. Once both portions of the training are completed, you will need to return to the CITI website to record your training. You will be prompted to complete a quiz. The quiz consists of two questions: 1) Did you review the power point? 2) Did you read the definition? Note that you will need to complete the quiz in order to receive credit for completing the course. Please contact the IRB Office if you have any questions about this.

Submission of Forms

How do I submit the forms?

All submissions must be made in ERA. Please see the ERA Training Tutorials and Documentation website for complete instructions on making IRB submissions through ERA.

Review Process

When will my item be reviewed?

We place items requiring full board review on the next available Board. Note that "next available Board" means the next Board's agenda that is not already full. Exempt and expedited items are assigned to the Chairperson or a designated reviewer.

Classroom Activities or Projects

I'm teaching a class involving a classroom project/activity. Do I have to submit an IRB application?

You must submit an application using the "Classroom Project/Activity" e-form if the classroom project/activity is human subjects research. Please refer to HRP-421 WORKSHEET - Human Research. The analysis is based upon the behavior and actions of the classroom activity. Publication, presentation, and dissemination of the results are irrelevant to the analysis. For example, if students in a class are creating survey questions and testing the questions, this activity is research methods, rather than research, and IRB review is not required. On the other hand, if students in a class develop a hypothesis, write a plan, implement the plan, and analyze the results of the plan, the activity is research and IRB review is required, even if the professor's intent was to teach research methods.

How do I know if the classroom project activity is research?

Classroom activities or projects can be human subjects research. If the professor did the same project outside the class, would IRB review be required? If yes, the classroom activity is human subjects research; if not, the classroom activity may not be human subjects research.

The analysis is based upon the behavior and actions of the classroom activity, not the publication, presentation, or dissemination of the results.

What are some examples?

Examples of classroom projects/activities that are not human subjects research:

If a professor teaches research methods by "blackboard instruction" i.e., discussing different research methods and designs with the students.

If students in a class create survey questions and test the questions on themselves.

If students in a class create a questionnaire and use the questions to promote classroom discussion.

Example of a classroom project/activity that is human subjects research:

If students in a class develop a hypothesis, write a plan, implement the plan, and analyze the results of the plan, even if the professor's intent was solely to teach research methods.

Miscellaneous Questions

Where is the waiver of HIPAA authorization form?

The criteria for requesting a waiver of HIPAA authorization should be reflected in your protocol. Please refer to the protocol template for instructions on requesting a waiver of HIPAA authorization.

What if the protocol is designed and written by the sponsor (a for-profit entity/company)?

If the study is industry sponsored and non-oncology, it will be forwarded to WIRB for review. Submit the new study application to the Temple IRB via ERA along with the completed WIRB Initial Submission Form and all other supplemental documents. Once the application is reviewed for completeness and the sponsor submits the fee agreement, it will be forwarded to WIRB for review.

Should I use the checklists and worksheets?

The checklists and worksheets are reference materials. These are what the IRB reviewers use to complete their reviews. If a form refers you to a checklist or worksheet, please use it. This will let you see the criteria we use to determine whether something can be approved. However, you do not need to submit checklists or worksheets.

What if I'm not sure whether my activity is human subjects research?

Email a synopsis of the activity to  and the IRB will respond with a written determination.

What if I want more information on the IRB?

"The Human Research Protection Program Plan" provides more information and the "Investigator Manual" provides even more detailed information. They can be accessed on our website. If you still have a question, please contact us at (215) 707-3390 or .


How do I know whether my study will be reviewed by Temple IRB or WIRB?

If the protocol is an industry sponsored, non-oncology study, it will be reviewed by WIRB. However, all WIRB studies are submitted to the Temple IRB. Once they go through an administrative review, they will be forwarded to WIRB. 

My study was approved by the Temple IRB. Can I switch the IRB to WIRB?

Yes, if the protocol is an industry sponsored, non-oncology study, you have the option to switch to WIRB. However, the Temple IRB will not force a change in IRB if the sponsor does not want to switch IRBs.

If you want to switch IRBs, please submit a Temple IRB amendment request e-form via ERA. Include all of the study materials with the amendment request form. We will forward the entire study file to WIRB.

Where can I find the WIRB forms?

The WIRB Initial Review Forms can be found at documents can be found at:

Do I submit a WIRB study to WIRB?

Yes. You will need to submit to WIRB after the Temple IRB completes its local context review and provides you with a letter officially allowing the study to be ceded to WIRB.

Do I need to submit everything listed in Section 3 of Temple's Application for Human Research eform?

No, if it's a WIRB study, you do not need to submit everything listed in Section 3 of Temple's Application for Human Research e-form. Submit all of the documents provided by the study sponsor, including any PI CV and medical license. Be sure that the Temple HIPAA Authorization is included, as well as the consent forms have been updated to include Temple-specific information.